Remote computer control

4:55 AM
Remote assistance for setting up a computer, Europe and the USA

Now, in the current situation, many people from Ukraine have left the country. And that’s why from time to time, friends and clients ask us to repair their computers remotely. I communicate a lot with foreign friends, and I can say the following. The level of training of specialists there is lower, and if they are good, then the prices are correspondingly higher by an order of magnitude.

Of course, I help those who have known me for a long time free of charge in quick cases. But sometimes you need to tinker for not an hour, not two, but more to do everything as it should be. Just yesterday I spent two hours fiddling around with a fairly strong computer, which was full of junk, without an antivirus or a basic temporary file garbage cleaner. Another interesting factor was that the fired employee put the teamviewer program into autoload. That is, he saw his computer remotely for a couple of months, and if he wanted, he could do something himself.

Owners in rich countries pay little attention to all this. Business is going well, there is profit, but what else is needed. The exception is the banking sector and the like, where outsiders are not allowed into computers for remote assistance, and it is clear why.  

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that in addition to remote computer assistance, I have the service of creating a website for abroad . Bring a customer, get a good percentage of the deal!

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