Remote computer control


Two main things, a computer connected to a normal high-speed Internet and a program for remote assistance. Among the popular software for such settings, there are: Teamviewer  (the most popular, the free version has few hours of work),  Ammyy Admin  (very fast and time consuming, the main disadvantage is that it does not load in every browser, the version is only for Windows) and  AnyDesk  ( good, available for all known systems)


The Internet now works all over the world, so I can provide such services anywhere, it’s a matter of communication and understanding. In addition to Ukraine, I have clients in the USA and Europe . 


You can remotely configure not only a computer, but also a router, a local office and home network, an access point, a network printer, and a surveillance system DVR. Everything that has a network port, both through a twisted pair wire and without it via Wi-Fi.


The main thing is that it is stable. In principle, with a good provider, 10 megabits will be enough. The computer should not be very old, and most importantly not littered, that is, without brakes, as they like to say now.


On the client side, a program is launched, I have a similar one, the customer says his ID and password, I connect and make all the necessary equipment settings. Simply put, the customer sees on his screen everything that I do, since I manage everything from his desktop. 


Yes, this can be done provided that the Internet connection with the provider is not protected by a MAC address, that is, sometimes in routers it is not the factory one, but was taken from the computer. In this case, I can initially copy it, but then the user must be savvy. To enter it after the update yourself, since the equipment is often reset to factory settings after updating the firmware. It is better to initially call support and find out whether you can register your device for a new one. 


Everything that can be connected to a computer or router, that is, to your local network. From my vast experience, I have configured everything from mobile to serious security systems. The main thing is that there is a client on the other side who can understand everything I tell him, namely what he needs to do.


You are contacting me for the first time, can I help you remotely? Of course, it is advisable to have a recommendation from my regular customer. But, I always meet normal people halfway. If a company is looking for reviews about it, an individual has a profile on social networks and a phone number that can be entered in the search. In a word, immediately and now help will only be through friends, or for reasons of your openness, I will believe it!


There may be several reasons, either the cable is simply not working, or the Wi-Fi settings have gone wrong. In this case, you can play the video via messenger  so that I can see your computer monitor and give recommendations. You can configure the router via your smartphone; many manufacturers have specialized software for this. 


You can make a router out of a smartphone by enabling the access point option, but connecting other devices using a twisted pair cable is a bit complicated, and most importantly there is no point. In this case, it is better to purchase a router into which a SIM card is inserted,  even if you have a good signal and there is no way to connect to a provider via cable nearby.